The popularity of puzzling has skyrocketed during Coronavirus pandemic quarantine, and I'm seeing the benefits. I had a friend pass along a stack of puzzles that she had completed. This puzzle is the first I opened.
The New York Puzzle Company's collaboration with The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has birthed a beautiful line of images. This 1000pc puzzle Measuring 26 5/8" x 19 1/4" contains so much information! Titled "Life in an Oak," it illustrates the entire biologic cycle of life within a tree. The box explains it "reveals the intricate relationships between insects, plants, and animals that live in and around oak trees. Learn about the mushroom that vaporizes into an inky liquid to spread its spores, the weevils that eat acorns and in turn become food themselves, and the foxes and owls that live in the oak and prey on the mice and voles that feed on acorns." The puzzle is copyright 2019, and comes with a poster that illustrates the puzzle, but also has insets explaining each of the animals listed in the description.