Monday, April 12, 2021

Pomegranate “Colourful Wild Owl” by Ningiukulu Teevee

Here's another puzzle that I laid out in my office at work and finished with the help of my friends and coworkers.  It's a 500 piece Pomegranate.  I went shopping on Zulily specifically for 500 pc puzzles because I thought they would be easier to complete as a group project.  The repetition of colors and patterns in the bird's feathers still kept this puzzle challenging.

The image's artist, Ningiukulu Teevee, is a Canadian Inuit artist, and I can just imagine these owls standing out against a stark winter landscape.  The drawing is copyright 2013 but the puzzle is current.  Its finished size measured 18x24 inches, an easy size to frame.  The pieces were large due to the relatively small piece count of the puzzle.  This would be a fun image to reproduce for a chalk festival. 


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